

These are personal org-roam notes – like a small wikipedia. I tend to make notes during the day, and the ones I feel that are interesting I publish them here. Like a wikipedia page, some pages may be incomplete.

  • » Dell XPS 9510 and the linux experience modified in June 30, 2024)
  • » New computer modified in June 30, 2024)
  • » Go interfaces modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Use case template modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Software Engineering modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Methodologies modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Data and Reality: A Timeless Perspective on Perceiving and Managing Information in Our Imprecise World modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Using macros in Emacs modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Python Async modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Python temporary file modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands (KPD) modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Personal git workflow modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Automating and testing dotfiles modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Git change commit author modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Go Context package modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Go binary search tree modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Adopting conventional commits in a codebase modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Emacs - Search and replacing versioned controled files modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Technical challenge checklist modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Modeling C-based systems with UML modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Notes on RISC-V CPU HARD IP Cores enter SoC FPGAs modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Translating Virtual addresses modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Bit shifting modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Notes on OS memory management modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Software and Hardware Single Event Effect mitigation modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Awesome Operating Systems modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » C pointers modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Symbol format 'elf64-littleriscv' unknown modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Export org-roam backlinks with Gohugo modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Synchronization modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Notes on fault tolerant software modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » RISC-V Instruction Format modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Locking Python scripts with flock modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Chezmoi and Emacs modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Asynchronous vs synchronous bus modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Python's name mangling modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Handling database migration with Pytest and SQLAlchemy modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Laws of Program Evolution modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Impact on software failures modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Thoughts of changing nicks modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Tabs vs. spaces in byte size modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Moving forward with suckless dwm modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Hello again, Amsterdam modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Ending 2022 with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Test driven development modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Notes on TDD - chapter 1 modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Notes on TDD - chapter 2 modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Notes on TDD - chapter 3 modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Notes on TDD - chapter 4 modified in February 11, 2024)
  • » Bibliography modified in September 13, 2021)