Hello again, Amsterdam

Hello again, Amsterdam

September 25, 2022 | personal

After moving around the world, I’ve decided to strike again and move back to Amsterdam with my wife. We planned this throughout the last couple of years and have initially planned to move at the end of 2020. The pandemic hit us hard, and we both decided it would be better to stay in Brazil and replan for a different year when things get back to normal.

And 2022 came, and here I am, writing my first blog post after moving to Amsterdam for three months. Many things I was familiar with have changed since I moved out from Amsterdam, some negatively and positively. Regardless, I still need more time to see how the city is doing and meet the new things around the city.

Right now, the weather is 12°C and dark. I feel happy, scared, and intrigued, but the future looks promising.

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